Sunday 3 July 2011

Use the coastal road! You can see a Cloudy Bay.

Good evening one and all. The first day on the road with our friends Ali
and Alan. And naturally, it had to start with a trip to a winery. On a
glorious morning with not a cloud in a cobalt blue sky, we headed for the
Cloudy Bay winery in the Marlborough wine region of this little country.
Now, not much to offer the non-wine drinking people amongst us, apart from a
toasty warm open wood fire and pleasant conversation from the person manning
the cellar door. All good. I would tell you more about the wine, but I
wasn't paying attention this time.
But, other than wineries, the main reason for today was to get us back onto
track and heading further south as far as possible. So today, we have
driven hundreds of km from Blenheim, south via Greymouth to little old Franz
Josef. I will write more about Franz tomorrow.
However, on our way down, there were two more notable stop offs. The first
was lunch at Lake Roititi (?) I think, followed by a healthy stretch down
the west coastal road. Apparently, this is one of the best coastal drives
in the world. I would agree, if only I got to see more of it. The only
bugger about driving is that it's quite hard to do while you're not watching
where you're going!